No matter what kind of time or skills you have, there is a way for you to help. Look below for ways to donate, volunteer, or any Harvey related items!
Hands for harvey
Are you looking for a way to give? We have two funds where monetary donations can be placed. Harvey Relief donations will be going to All Hands and UMCOR. We also have a Harvey Housing fund where all donations will be given to families directly displaced from the storm.
You can make monetary donations through Parkway UMC app or under the "Give" tab. When prompted select "Outreach" then "Harvey Relief or Harvey Housing." If you are looking for another way to give we are accepting gift cards to: Walmart, Target, Home Depot & Lowes. You can drop donations marked Harvey Relief or Harvey Housing as well as gift cards in the offering plate or by the office.
There are multiple ways to help with recovery from Harvey. We have a variety of opportunities where help is needed, help where you can! Make sure if you would like to volunteer you sign up under the specific list. Listed below are some examples of ways you can help: (list is subject to change)
-Meals for Volunteers: Click here to sign-up
-Donations (supplies etc.)
-Muck & Gut
-Volunteer around Church
-Volunteer around Community
Want to volunteer? Maybe you are looking for a sign up sheet? You've come to the right place!
All sign up sheets are located under this tab for your convience. If you have any questions regarding a certain volunteer task, please contact the specific staff member listed on the sheet.
Parkway will be hosting a workday, where the congregation will go out into the community and provide support to whomever will need it.