For Students

6th-12th Grade

We are designed to live life together, to have fun together, to worship together, to laugh together, to cry together, and to grow in faith together. At Parkway, we want to be a family that is able to rely on each other no matter what. We want to show you that you are an irreplaceable member of the Body of Christ!




    Have questions? Contact Josiah Canto JCANTO@PARKWAYUMC.ORG


    Are you going on a trip with Parkway? Then you need to fill out this form for the year!

    volunteering opportunities

    To ensure our church is a safe place for all students, all potential volunteers are required to complete Safe Sanctuary screening and training.  

    Click on the New Volunteer link if you are seeking to join our Volunteer Team. 



      Wednesday, January 15th, 6 - 7:30pm

      Student Worship Center

      Ages 4th - 12th grade

      Student Ministries will be kicking off our Wednesday night activities with a Fellowship Event from 6 – 7:30 pm upstairs in our Student Worship Center! All Students 6th – 12th grade, and our 4th and 5th graders are invited to attend and bring a friend! We will have pizza, games, and fellowship! We realize that our 4th and 5th graders are eager to have age-appropriate activities, so Wednesdays this Spring we will be combined for the games and fellowship and will have a separate lesson from the Students. Adults and Children 3rd grade and under will not be meeting on this date.

    • Connect Retreat 2025

      February 14th-16th at Forest Glen in Huntsville, TX

      6th-12th grade

      Connect, is hosted by Methodist youth Ministry Alliance. We are excited to be able to offer this weekend retreat for our students to learn about "Good Fruit", fellowship with other students in our conference in the UMC, and strengthen relationships within our own church group. This year our retreat will be on and we will have some fun activities for the students to do on Saturday afternoon as well as some thought-provoking small group discussions throughout the weekend.

      Connect Retreat Registration:


      In order to register, please complete this registration, complete the Event Release Form for 2025 (you will be redirected to this once you complete this form), and email a copy of the front and back of your insurance card to Josiah at Your registration is not complete until all three of these steps have been completed.

      Event Release 2025:


      We always want to make sure that our camps are available no matter what your financial situation may be, please email for scholarship information.

    • HSM Dinner Night Outs (Last Tuesday of the month)

      January 28th

      High schoolers are invited to monthly fellowship at a dinner night out! This is just a time for our high schoolers to destress from all the school, extracurriculars, and life things going on and spend some time with like minded friends. 

      Sodas and appetizers are on us! Invite a friend. 

      Location TBA

    • Sunday school

      Sundays 10:30-11:30 am, Student Worship Center

      Students start in worship with their families at the 10:30 service. We'll have a student section on the right side of the worship center and take the first two or three rows. Students are welcome to sit with their families or join us. After music, we'll head to our Student worship center.

      Sunday School does not meet on Communion Sundays (first Sunday of the month) and students are encouraged to attend worship with their families or with each other.

    • Midweek Ministries

      Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 pm

      Starts January 15th

      Students meet in the Ministry Center for Bible study, announcements, group games, and worship.

    • Confirmation

      Confirmation classes are for anyone 8th grade and older. Students participate in several classes and a retreat to learn more about their faith, the Bible, their denomination, their theology and beliefs, and their local church. This is a huge step in anyone's faith journey. Students will be provided a Confirmation mentor during this time to talk through their lessons and questions. 

      The next Confirmation journey will occur in Spring 2026.

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