Parkway Work days

We will be hosting a workday on September 30th from 7:30 AM- 3:00 PM. 

There will be opportunities to work at a worksite or within the church, everyone will have opportunities to volunteer wherever their strengths are. We will partnering with All Hands and Second Mile Mission for this workday! 

Registration is ONLY for childcare. 

  • Childcare Volunteers Needed!! 

    If you would like to volunteer to help with childcare for this workday, please complete the link and Safe Sanctuary training. 

  • Childcare Sign Up! 

    Are you going out into the community with Parkway for this workday? If so, we will be providing childcare for anyone that is participating. Please make sure you sign up your child for the childcare! 

  • All Hands Form!

    If you would like to help All Hands, please make sure you complete their form. It can be found here