
The goal of chapel at PCDS, is to help children express themselves to God through stories, prayers, and music. At Parkway, the children worshiping together is a natural fun-loving process.  

Our children experience chapel in an active way with age appropriate and short bible stories. This allows our children to experience God's love and care.  We also learn that Jesus is God's son, and He is our friend and savior. Children learn to trust in God for all their needs. We talk to God, and these words become our prayers.  We give Him praise through songs and dance. This relationship, based on faith, provides the spiritual foundation which is vital to a child's emotional and moral development.


The goal for our children is to learn what their body does, how and where it moves, and the relationship of their body to the environment.  Children learn physical skills in conjunction with social, emotional, thinking and language skills.

The physical activities are age appropriate for children based on the development of their gross motor skills.  The main areas of focus for instruction are:

  • locomotion (i.e. crawl, walk, march, gallop, skip)
  • balance
  • jumping
  • kicking
  • throwing and catching
  • batting
  • sports, games
  • stretching.


At PCDS our children enjoy a music rich experience in singing, listening and moving.  Music is crucial for language development.  In addition, the skills of memorization that music offers will foster academic success.  Music education builds self confidence, and enhances social development.  Our music instructor, Mr. Jachin, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom. Mr. Jachin also serves as the Parkway UMC's Worship Leader on Sundays. Mr. Jachin teaches children in our 3's classes, PreK and Bridge classes. Those classes also take part in a music performance at Christmas and at the end of the year. Our 2's classes participate in a Music and Movement class taught by our PE teacher, Ms. Martha.


As part of our curriculum, we introduce the Spanish language and culture to each class beginning at the age of 3 years old.  Our Spanish curriculum includes teaching the children Spanish words, phrases, numbers and songs.  A few of the core concepts taught are:

  • the seasons
  • letters and counting 1 - 10
  • parts of the body
  • names of foods
  • shapes and colors
  • days of the week, and months
  • phrases: please, thank you, hello, goodbye