Sunday mornings are often our first opportunity to welcome visitors to our campus. We need servant hands to prepare the building and smiling faces to ensure that our visitors have a positive experience.
Sunday serve opportunities
The Greeters use their smiling faces and kind words while opening doors to welcome people to Parkway on Sunday morning. This group has a large impact on a person’s overall Sunday morning experience and is a great place to begin serving. They arrive 15 minutes prior to the service times. Click here to sign up
Debbie Mullen
The ushers ensure that the servce runs smoothly. They arrive 15 minutes before the service to handout bulletins. if needed, they help people find open seats and set up overflow chairs. Collecting the offering finishes their service that day. Click here to sign up.
Debbie Mullen
Welcome desk
Be another friendly face to greet first time visitors. There is a Welcome Desk in the lobbies of the Worship Center and the Ministry Center. Volunteers direct our guests, hand out Visitor Bags, and provide general information. Click here to sign up.
Debbie Mullen
Set up team
The Set-up Team involves a commitment for every other Sunday morning starting between 6:30 and 7 AM, usually finishing by 8 AM. We have two teams that rotate Sundays. We place the chairs, distribute Bibles in the chairs and place offertory envelopes and information in the backs of the chairs. No homework, no studying, just serving God by preparing the Worship Center each Sunday.
Bob Ryan
Worship team
Do you have the gift of music? Consider serving on our worship team as a musician or a vocalist. Volunteers serve however much their schedule allows. Rehearsal times are Sunday mornings at 7AM.
There is also an opportunity to serve on the media team in the sound booth if you are tech-savvy.
Tim Bird